Auditing and Assurances

Our firm is handling audits and various attest functions for different types of companies in different sectors like manufacturing, Information technology, retail, wholesale, services, professionals, banking etc.

The scope and performance of the audit will be made in accordance with Indian GAAP. We will keep continuous contact with the board and the management. Should the communication lead to issues and problems that require extra investigation and/or analysis, then we will inform of this and present an estimate of costs before work begins.

The extent of our audit efforts depend on the quality of the company's accounting documentation, the IT-based administrative systems and the internal control. The company's ability of maintaining the time schedule for the accounts, keeping current reconciliations and analyses of all relevant accounts in the general ledger, providing satisfactory documentation concerning e.g. accounts, routines and systems at agreed times and having staff available at time of the audit are significant factors for achieving a high quality level.

Pricing of the audit/attestation depends at large on the size of the company, the extent of the operations, administration and the number of employees. We also have experience in conducting internal audits, payroll audits, VAT Audits, Actual Physical Inventory verification, Fixed Assets verification, Service tax refund certification, Form 15CB certification to name a few.

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